Process Management in Operating Systems


Process management in operating systems is a crucial aspect of computer science that involves the regulation and oversight of multiple processes carried out by the system. It includes creating, scheduling, and terminating processes, as well as allocating system resources such as CPU time, memory, and I/O devices.

Process management enables the efficient use of system resources, improves system performance, and ensures fairness and transparency in resource allocation. In this article, we will delve deep into the labyrinth of computer science and uncover the complex concept of process management in operating systems, shedding light on what process management are, its significance, the various types, and illustrative examples.

Theoretical Underpinnings of Process Management

A process is defined as a sequence of instructions executed in a predefined order. In simple words, any program that is executed is termed as a process. Processes change their state as they execute and can be new, ready, running, waiting, or terminated. A process in an operating system is managed by the Process Control Block (PCB). The PCB is a data structure that is maintained by the operating system for each process. It contains information about the process, such as its process ID, state, priority, CPU registers, and memory usage.

Process Life Cycle

The process lifecycle in OS is the sequence of states that a process goes through during its existence. The process life cycle can be divided into the following stages:

·         New: The process has been created but has not yet been scheduled for execution.

·         Ready: The process is ready to be executed.

·         Running: The process is currently being executed.

·         Waiting: The process is waiting for an event to occur, such as the completion of an I/O operation.

·         Terminated: The process has finished executing.

Types of Process Management

Process management involves a variety of responsibilities such as process creation, scheduling, process termination, and deadlock. The important elements of process architecture are stack, heap, data, and text. The OS scheduler manages processes and schedules them for execution based on their priority and other factors. There are different types of process management, including:

Batch processing: In batch processing, a group of similar jobs is executed together without any user interaction.

Interactive processing: In interactive processing, the user interacts with the system and provides input to the system.

Real-time processing: In real-time processing, the system must respond to events within a specified time frame.


Process management in operating systems is a critical component of computer science. Without proper process management, a computer system can become unresponsive or even crash if one or more processes consume all system resources. By understanding processes, we gain a better understanding of how operating systems manage programs. The article has discussed the meaning of process and process management in operating systems, the process life cycle, and different states in the process management. It has also explained the importance of process management in operating systems.

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